Sunday, December 2, 2018


Hello all!
Nope, this isn't Michelle. Not Hannah, either. Actually, it isn't anyone with the last name "Watson"! So...who is this, exactly?
Misti and Jocelyn here, long-time friends of the Watsons. We have requested the privilege of doing a guest blog now and then, both to help ease the pressure on the family of keeping y'all updated on the latest and greatest happenings in their now-very-busy world, and also to have the honor of presenting specific ways you can assist them, whether you are in town or wanting to help from afar. 
Here is the current news! 
The Watsons have been working hard adjusting to the new ‘normal'. Michelle is working, Hannah is in college, the boys are busy with school and home duty, and David is taking on the teacher role for the boys homeschooling and handling the endless stream of paperwork as much as he is able. Needless to say, their world has been flipped upside down, and everyone has a LOT on their plate; hence the lack of blog posting recently. 
David had yet another doctor appointment and physical endurance test about a week and a half ago, the results of which will be used towards determining whether or not he will be granted disability. The test was hard, and David was utterly wiped out 6 minutes into what should have been a much longer exercise. Despite that, we don't know what the report will say, or how much weight that particular test is given in the case.  As some of you may know, applying for disability or social security benefits is not an easy process, nor fast, and there is an immense amount of paperwork involved and proofs to procure. Please continue to pray for favor and fairness as they press forward.
Michelle is now working full-time, as a liaison between insurance companies and families with children who have special medical needs, making sure they get the equipment and coverage they need. While she is (naturally!) very good at her job, it is still a struggle to make ends meet as she is bringing home half the income that David did and, as noted above, they are still not receiving any kind of disability benefits.
So, why are we delaying?! Here are some very specific and tangible ways to continue to help. Of course you can still donate to David's Recovery Fund via PayPal. And please do! There are always expenses that crop up - medicines, medical supplies, home repairs, car repairs, personal supplies, etc. Funds sent via the PayPal link are available for them to use at their discretion to cover needs that they may have a difficult time communicating. But there are other ways to help also! Below is a list of monthly service providers the Watsons use to keep their home functioning (like the electric that powers the oxygen machine David MUST have to be able to breathe).  Using the phone number listed for the service provider ask to speak with a customer service representative regarding paying towards someone’s bill anonymously then all you will need to provide is the information notated under “Process” to contribute any amount towards their monthly bills. Send them gift cards to Whole Foods...this is a big deal, actually, because they have significant dietary restrictions due to severe allergies, and have to be careful to make sure their food is free from cross-contamination. Let's face it - not all stores are careful in this regard. 
And finally, with the holidays upon us, many people are earnestly looking for and desiring opportunities to give of their time, money, or other resources. We encourage you to pass this info along to anyone you know who may be interested in blessing the Watson family. 
Thank you for all the love and support you continue to show. It has made all the difference as they continue to navigate through this challenging season of life.



Phone Number



 Cirro Energy 

David and Michelle Watson; 1221 Dalhart Drive, Richardson, TX, 75080 




 Atmos Energy 

David Watson; 1221 Dalhart Drive, Richardson, TX, 75080


 City of Richardson 

1221 Dalhart Drive, Richardson, TX, 75080

Home Insurance


David and Michelle Watson; 1221 Dalhart Drive, Richardson, 75080


 Whole Foods 

Gift Cards

General Contributions


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