Friday, April 12, 2019

At least...

Two weeks down.  It is hard work. My body feels pain like I’ve never felt before. I know it’s like exercise; eventually I will get used to it. I do love the people I work with AND love the work.  It has been so exciting working in  downtown. One Arts Plaza is my main office but now I will be at the Arpeggio most days, checking in some days at One Arts. I have clients Tuesday thru Friday. Monday’s are meeting days at One Arts. They start at 11am. So it’s a weekend continuation somewhat. 

Oh, the weekends... sweetest ever. Resting and enjoying time with my people. Weekends....are really weekends again. 

There have been so many ups and downs these past few weeks; it’s an adjustment for all of us in so many ways. 

At least David’s alive. 

At least you have a job. 

At least you still have your home. 

And on and on and on. 

And YES, these things are so very true and of course we are very grateful for the ‘at least’ things. 

But it is still an enormous mountain. And every morning we rise and climb; like everyone. Right?  

Still, so many tears and losses; grief; adjustments...

I keep thinking, ‘If we can just get through this year, we will be ok.’ But then as those words leave my mouth and my ears hear... I realize, rather, ‘If we can just get through this day, we will be ok.’  

Oh, but the weekends. I can see myself living for them. Everything stops for a moment and we all have time to regroup and breathe. And it feels so healing.