Friday, December 7, 2018

We, the people

Sorry for the delay. 


No time. 

I am sure you can relate. 

As of today, we have yet 

to receive disability.

The guys who were going to fix our roof put a tarp on the area where it was leaking. Me thinks that is probably causing more problems in the long run. I thought fixing meant repair not a tarp. But hey let’s face it, I could not have put a tarp up there so...thankful for no leak. Rotten wood under the tarp however...that is still a big deal. What to do, what to do. I have no clue. 

I work in a very hostile environment and go to work and come home in tears. Life in the workforce. I am sending my resume out to other companies right now but am gravely aware that the grass IS NOT GREENER on the other side. With new employment comes new difficulties to overcome. It’s just that....can I have a few undifficult moments. 

(I’s not a word.) 

I’m tired. I’m cranky. I think my home is falling apart. But one of my very wise children says to me, ‘We are doing okay. It’s you that’s falling apart and I hate seeing you that way.’

A tough pill to chew. Are things done my way? No. I’m not in charge of the home anymore. I’m the breadwinner. Or rather, the one biscuit winner. Haha. 

The holidays set us back. (Thanksgiving). And I was sent home several days with a fever during that time. And they did not pay for the day after thanksgiving. So this month I’m half a biscuit bread winner. Not trying to trick you into giving. Keep your money in your pocket. You’ve given enough. It’s why I haven’t written lately. Everyone has problems. I am aware. So here I am, coming down to the level of the ‘people.’ And ranting about wages and life and barely making it. And can’t even send my son, a million miles away a card or birthday gift because I can’t afford it. 

I am just so tired and weary and apparently the only one falling apart. 

Another day. Onward we go. We, the people.  

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