Monday, July 30, 2018

So hard...

 So hard...

I did not handle the finances. 
David has always done that. 
He never missed a payment, 
always paid more 
than the monthly amount and 
used credit cards. 
The only debt we have 
is the house and my car. 
My car is used 
and the amount owed 
is approximately $2500.00.

we just have normal payments 
each month; electric, gas, water, 
insurance, mortgage, etc. 
you know, the normal debt. 

David’s motto has always been 
if we can’t afford it we don’t need it. 
And his credit score has always been 
above average. 
He has been the 
most responsible and upright person 
I have ever known.

It’s so hard 
having a few of our hospital bills 
go to creditors. 
As I said, 
I did everything on my part to 
avoid that 
however just a trickle 
went to creditors. 

And then there is the mortgage. 
We have applied for help 
with the mortgage company 
two months ago. 
They are as kind as Social Security.
‘ thank you for the information we requested, it will now be 30 days to determine....’. 
I have received this response 
six times. 
I just received the sixth one today. 

It’s sssssooooo frustrating. 
We do not have the money 
to make our mortgage this month. 
And if we had extra money 
it would go towards 
the monthly doctors visit. 
David has to see a 
pulmonologist monthly, 
and because they are specialists
it is quite a bit more money. 

We could barely afford groceries this week. 

You have your own worries, 
and I am not asking for anything. 
I am just ranting. 
Somehow things will work out 
but it is so very unclear at the moment.

David would say 
pay the mortgage 
and don’t worry about me. 
I say go to the doctor 
and buy groceries. 
But David always convinces me 
that his way is right. 
I am in charge 
but I do ask for his advice. 
I have no idea what to do. 

It is quite painful. 
Honestly, this month, 
am struggling to take his advice. 
In the end, I will do what he wants, 
but I so do not want to right now. 
It’s hard to look forward 
when we have now needs. 

Omg how very hard life is.


Sent from my iPhone

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