Saturday, September 1, 2018

Divine Comedy...

Two weeks ago, mom started her new job. Its been a really hard couple of weeks for her. Going back into the work force after 25 years is no small thing! Her work is tedious, and slightly stressful; working as a liaison in between insurance companies and doctors. But she is getting used to it and has grown to rather like it. She’s learning new things and catching on quickly, gaining new confidence as she goes.

On Thursday evening this week, after she got home from work, we were all sitting and talking together after supper, and mom complained of shortness of breath. We thought nothing of it at first but in a matter of 5 minutes she had broken into a cold sweat, looked pale as death and could hardly talk or breathe. I thought she was dying. We called 911 and told them we suspected she was having a heart attack. They sent an ambulance and a firetruck and within another 5 minutes she was in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Dad obviously couldn’t go with her, so I went. It was a traumatic night. We spent the night in the ER running test after test. While her EKGs were all normal, the tale-tell signs of a heart attack were there in her blood stream and steadily rising. It seemed like the night lasted forever.

The next day, they finally moved her to a room, which was at least a little more comfortable while they continued to run tests.  After most of the tests were complete they had enough information to conclude that she did indeed have a heart attack. They did an angiogram where they went inside of a vein all the way to her heart with a little camera on the end. Everything looked good except for one small area that was about 80% blocked, however it was past a very sharp curve in the vein, so it wasn’t a good place to put in a stent.  They are planning on treating the blockage with medication and hopefully it will help to ensure that she doesn’t have another heart attack.

She and I are still at the hospital.  The Doctor came in this morning to see how she was.  Her blood work came back from last night and is slowly returning to normal levels and he was hopeful she could go home today if all continues to go well.  

It’s been a hectic weekend and let’s face it, a hectic year.  Just when we think we are gaining good grounding under our feet, along comes a mudslide.  A setback for sure, but we have come so far,           we have no good reason not to just pull our bootstraps up and try, try, again. Big words for a difficult situation.  Fake it till you make it…not all that crazy about that saying, but there is some truth in it.     Who feels like getting up EVERY SINGLE DAY and being a badass?  Sometimes you just have to want it so bad that it hurts, even though you feel like a puddle, so in conclusion, fake it till you make it.

We love all of you and will try to update more as we can.                                                                              Thank you for all your well wishes, help and prayers.  

p.s. Someone told me I should mention that this turn of events has once again set us back a bit financially. So I will attach the PayPal link down below, for anyone who wishes to give.


  1. You're all in our prayers. You've had your share of having a hectic year, hopefully now it will get better.

  2. I pray His mercy over David, Michelle and the entire family. We draw a line in the sand and declare to the enemy, "No more" in the name of Yeshua.

  3. I’m sorry to hear of this, but glad she’s doing better. We’ll continue to pray!
